Sunday June 5th was a bit flat. We got to the tent early as usual (we generally start before 8, most others arrive by lunch...) We had a lovely dinner party at Maddy's the night before, and the key was not in place... Perhaps the mood made others a bit forgetful. Donna had work, but I mostly putzed about. After lunch the key showed and I got some work done. We had a hard pour midmorning, clouds the rest of the day, but both of us got work done.
Monday JUNE 6 was a serious work day. Donna cut out her monument's lovely feet and just as the day closed... popped out the sawzall and trimmed in the ruffel for the dress! So close -- so cool.
I played with my steel curlyques and the welder.
I built a base for it that will go into the ground to secure it in place:
The cement guys brought us the wrong materials completely. Even with good translation, it was frustrating. I finally went down to the factory to chat about acrylic additives and glass fiber with my laptop in hand. I don't know how it works, but when I google it comes back in English, but when they google on their computer it comes back in French!
Finally, one of our local helpers brought me to a stunning mountain ravine to gather saplings for our burning sculpture. The tree selection is less than premium. I got a small collection -- less than half I need, but I might have to make due...
We continue to eat like hogs. The food is basically home prepared for kings and served at a small pub directly across form our work tent. It is HARD not to eat too much.
On thing that continues to give us a chuckle is the "size" decision one is faced with daily when flushing:
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